Sunday 30 March 2014

My thoughts and condolence for passengers who involved...and the families involved..I still hoping for miracle that they are alive...

This drawing I sincerely dedicated to the families who still hope for their family members will return to them safely, I too hoping the same...and as for what I have learned from this event is that we (woman) are not just a girl, mother, wife..we are more than that...we play role for our children to teach them unity and the understanding of other cultures(learned other languages, food and culture) in how we should stand together in finding truth even it takes us towards hardships...this is just but a small portion, more will come to us in future...

I learned that this event shows that they are people who are JEALOUS at us malaysians who LOVE PEACE just like other asian countries and they know if we ASIANS unite, they will have problem (politically,financially, weaponry and more) thus they create this to make us fight and destroy one another..therefore ladies, I believe they're wrong..don't say it has nothing to do with certain agenda, experts did it and they want to see us does...and we should fight for it..who else will do it if it is not us? along with our man...we can..pray and do what we can to stand and finding the truth...

Sorry if I say anything wrong..I hope we(woman) of malaysians will stay strong and support the families or anyone in need, despite of our differences think of how much common we have among one another...!

those who knew the families involved in MH370 I hope send my regards to them and know that I support them sincerely with my doa...insyaAllah...

I love PEACE, I love my friends, family, teachers..always have..

do share to those who wants to....thanks!

Wednesday 5 March 2014